Contents: Motherwort (Leonus cardiaca), Ginger root (Zingiber officinale), Yarrow, (Achillea millefolium), Mugwort, (artemisia vulgaris), Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllium), Parsley (petrosilinum crispum), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum), Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus strigosus Michx.).
Indications: In stimulation of menstruation, reduction of menstruation pain, light or late periods. Aids menopause symptoms and discomfort.
Actions: Excellent tonic for the uterus, heart, and generative organs. Emmenagogue herbs promote menstruation and are used for irregular or stagnant menstruation.
Administration: Begin taking just at the time of ovulation (usually around day 14), and continue until menstruation has begun (no more than 14 days). Take 1 capsule 30 – 60 minutes after breakfast, and one again 30 – 60 minutes after dinner. No more than 2 capsules each day,
For more pronounced cases, and also for those in higher weight brackets, prescribe 2 capsules each time. Maximum 4 capsules each day.
If no longer menstruating (menopause or for other reasons), create an assumed cycle. Perhaps 14 days on, then 14 days off, beginning at ovulation.
Consider testing for ovulation with a simple home daily urine test strip.
Do not take if pregnant or for 1 month before attempting pregnancy. Do not take more than prescribed. Do not take for more than 14 days during each menstruation cycle. If menstruation has not returned, perform further analysis, hormone testing, diet analysis, parasites testing, detox, etc. Menstrual re-regulation may require 2 or 3 cycles in most cases.
Reactions: Symptoms of PMS could emerge for a short time, or in some cases become less, during therapy. Menstrual cycle timing may change in some women.
Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.
Cautions: Do not take if pregnant or breast feeding. Warning: can cause abortion during weakened states of health and if over dosing. Not for male or transsexual consumption. Do not take more than prescribed. Rule out anemia, parasites, etc. If necessary, check ferritin and B-12 before prescription of this medicine. Avoid taking with Jamu Jo 15 or Compound SIP if needing to enhance fertility.
Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type
Other Medicines
Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse
Plus Compounds, as needed.
Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)
Vitamin C IV infusions, Once per week for the first month, then twice per month or as requested.
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca). An excellent tonic for the uterus, heart, and generative organs. It helps relieve menstrual cramping and brings on late menstruation. It promotes a heavy flow when it breaks up stuck clots that cause pain. Helpful premenstrual syndrome (PMS) painful cramps and the resultant anxiety. Release of oxytocin (the “love” hormone), and is a uterotonic, meaning it “tones” the uterus to help reduce future cramps.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Reduces heavy menstrual periods, ulcers, uterine and hemorrhage.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris). Regulates the menstrual cycle. Helps to regulate scanty or irregular period. Mugwort is an emmenagogue, meaning it brings on menstrual flow.
Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides). Helps reduce painful menstrual cramps, stimulates menstrual flow, promotes blood circulation in the pelvis, helping relieve irregular menstruation, difficult and painful periods.
Parsley (Petrosilinum crispum). Mild emmenagogue / stimulates menstruation and mildly aphrodisiac.
Red Raspberry Leaf (Rubus strigosus Michx.). Useful for painful periods, heavy periods.