Aphrodisiac for Women

Contents: Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Damiana (Turneria aphrodisiaca), Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum).

Indications: In treatment of female low libido and related reproductive function imbalances.

Actions: Compound ADW is aphrodisiac, mood elevating, thermogenic (warming), and increases sexual desire and heightens pleasure, rejuvenates the reproductive organs, regulates hormones. ADW increases sensitivity in the clitoris, as well as stimulates sexual desire and pleasure.

Effects are generally realized over time. In rare cases may take 24 – 36 hours or more. As causes of low libido are addressed, and the body heals from these causes, then Compound ADW may no longer be needed.

Administration: Take 2 capsules, 1 hour before bedtime. Maximum 2 capsules each 24 hours.

For more pronounced cases, and also for those in higher weight brackets, take 3 or 4 capsules, 1 hour before bed. Maximum 4 capsules each 24 hours.

Take for three weeks on, then one week off (do not take during menstruation). Do not take more than prescribed. Stop taking when no longer needed.

Alternatively, when enhancement of sexual activity is desired, take 1 or 2 capsules several hours before, then again take 1 or capsules an hour before sexual activity.

Reactions: May cause minor temporary aggressiveness.

Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.

Cautions: Pregnant and lactating women should avoid Compound ADW. Not for male or transsexual consumption. Do not take more than prescribed. Do not combine with CP BPL or blood pressure medications.

Simple Prescription

  • Non-member infusions as prescribed
  • Compound ADW Aphrodisiac for Women
  • Compound ADP-B Berberine Adaptogens
  • Lotion and Scrub

Common recommendations

Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type

  • No caffeine
  • No sugar
  • No seed oils
  • No white foods, etc.

Other medicines

  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO

Other medicines

  • Pregnant and lactating women should avoid Compound ADW. Not for male or transsexual consumption. Do not take more than prescribed.
  • Do not combine with CP BPL or blood pressure medications. Do not combine with conventional libido medications.

Full Prescription Guide

(Case dependant – not all are normally assigned)

Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse

  • Vaginal swab
  • Thyroid Package
  • Female Hormone Package

Plus Compounds, as needed.

  • Compound ADW Hormones support for Women
  • Compound FRW Fertility Enhancement for Women
  • Compound MBS Metabolic Syndrom Help
  • Compound MTR Menstruation regulator, menopause aid, stimulate menses
  • Compound MHH Menopause Hormone Help
  • Compound PCS for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
  • Compound PMS Premenstrual syndrome
  • Compound ADP-B Berberine Adaptogens
  • Compound UTI-M Mild Formula
  • Compound UTI-S Strong Formula
  • Compound AGE Anti-Aging Support
  • Compound ENG Energetics Without Caffeine
  • Compound K Anti-oxidants
  • Compound M2 Full spectrum minerals
  • Compound NP Noni Mint Concentrate

Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)

  • Jamu Jo 1 Sabrang Onion
  • Jamu Jo 2 Akar Bajakah
  • Jamu Jo 4 Zedoary
  • Jamu Jo 5 Garlic
  • Jamu Jo 11 Kulit Manggis (STDs)
  • Jamu Jo 12 Noni Fruit
  • Jamu Jo 13 Belalai Gajah
  • Jamu Jo 14 Star Anise
  • Jamu Jo 15 Sambiloto (infections)

Vitamin C IV infusions, Once per week for the first month, then twice per month or as requested.

  • B complexes
  • Glutathione
  • Collagen
  • L-Carnitine
  • Piracetam
  • Homeopathic CP IL Kulit Manggis
  • Homeopathic CP IZ Zingerberaceae
  • Homeopathic CP IP Soursop

About the Ingredients in Compound ADW

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a powerful aphrodisiac that helps by increasing blood flow to the genitals.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is aphrodisiac, slightly narcotic, thermogenic (warming), and increases sexual desire and heightens pleasure, rejuvenates the reproductive organs, regulates hormones.

Damiana (Turneria aphrodisiaca) contains flavonoids and essential oils that improve blood flow to the genital area. Increases sensitivity in the clitoris, stimulates sexual desire and pleasure, strengthens the hormone system.

Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium sagittatum) increases blood circulation and blood flow to the genital area, excellent for stimulating female libido. Balances estrogen and estradiol levels in women, relieves symptoms of menopause, including low libido and vaginal dryness.