Cancer Cytotoxic Asian Formula

L III Prescription Only

For Colon, digestive tract, lungs, leukemia, skin tumors and more. Fungicidal, immune stimulating, and purgative.

Contents: Guajava / ketepeng badak (Cassia alata), Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tormentosa), Sanjeevani (Selaginella bryopteris).

Indications: For prevention and monitoring and medication of low-grade, presenting and non-presenting cancers or other viral / bacterial / fungal skin conditions. If cancer is present, or suspected, then the patient must undergo Level II diagnosis and specific therapies.

Actions: Cytotoxic to many types of cancers, e.g. Colon, digestive, lung, leukemia, skin tumors and more. Fungicidal, immune stimulating, and purgative properties. This medicine must be combined with other BSI medicines and therapies listed below to be more effective.

Administration: 1-2 capsules, 15-30 minutes before each meal. For more pronounced cases, and also for those in higher weight brackets, prescribe 2-3 caps each time. Or by Practitioner prescription, which may vary from these instructions.

Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.

Cautions: Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Simple Prescription

Not simple prescribed.
Must be Level 2 diagnosed first.

Common recommendations

Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type

  • No caffeine
  • No sugar
  • No white foods, etc.
  • Eat organic and free range
  • Follow New Patient Guide carefully

Other Medicines

  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO
  • CP 1-5
  • CP 2
  • CP BVC
  • CP A, etc.
  • Steamer Therapy with Compound B Tincture or Compound R


  • Can be taken with all compounds, depending on type of cancer. Must be evaluated on a per patient basis.
  • Not for pregnant or breast-feeding women.

Full Prescription Guide

(Case dependant – not all are normally assigned)

Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse

  • Tumor Markers,
  • Thyroid, etc. plus

Plus Compounds, as needed.

  • Compound CAN-B Cancer Compound B
  • Compound CAN-A Cancer Compound A
  • Compound CAN-C Cancer Compound C
  • Compound CAN-D Cancer Compound A
  • Compound CAN-E Cancer Compound C
  • Compound BCM Cancer and Virus moderator
  • Compound F Red onion / Yellow Garlic
  • Compound K Anti-oxidants
  • Compound LMS Cancer and virus moderator
  • Compound IMN Immune Booster
  • Compound M2 Full spectrum minerals
  • Compound NP Feel Good and Hormone Balance,
  • Compound SPQ Quiet Sleep
  • Compound DPN Depression
  • Compound PIN A-B-C-D Pain anodyne

Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)

Primary for cancer:

  • Jamu Jo 3 Curcumin
  • Jamu Jo 8 Soursop
  • Jamu Jo 9 Keladi Tikus
  • Jamu Jo 13 Belalai Gajah

Secondary for cancer:

  • All remaining JJ can be used depending on type of diseases.

Vitamin C IV infusions, LEVEL 3 and LEVEL 4. To be assigned based on diagnosis. Suggest once per day for the first two weeks. Then reassign after evaluation.
Some or all ingredients, depends on case…

  • EDTA
  • B complexes
  • Glutathione
  • Collagen
  • Chondroitin
  • Magnesium
  • NAC
  • Homeopathic IL Kulit Manggis
  • Homeopathic IZ Zingerberaceae
  • Homeopathic IP Soursop
  • Homeopathic IN Jintan Hitam
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Silver

About the Ingredients in Compound CAN-B

Guajava, Ketepeng Badak (Cassia alata). Potent Cytotoxic. Colon, lung, leukemia cancer and more. Fungicidal, laxative, and purgative properties. It is very effective for treating Ringworm and fungal infections of the Skin.

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tormentosa). An adaptogen and powerful immuno-stimulant, it enhances the white cells clean up process (phagocytosis). Can reduce tumor size, particularly with skin cancers. It also helps reduce the side-effects of chemo and radiotherapy.

Sanjeevani (Selaginella bryopteris). Can stop the growth of cancer cells, by inhibiting DNA fragmentation, provide antioxidant defense, and also protect against genetic damage caused by methyl isocyanate, a carcinogenic chemical. Reduces the development of skin tumors. The anti-cancer effects can be attributed to the flavonoids present in this herb.