Depression Lifter, Moderate Asia Formula

Contents: Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), Skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia), Hawthorne (Craetagus spp.), Gingko Biloba (Gingko Biloba), Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis).

Indications: For mild and moderate depression, sadness, despair, and related symptoms.

Actions: Helps to calm deep-seated emotions of fear, anger, sadness or uselessness. This powerful herbal remedy for depression is packed with saponins, catechins, and anthocyanins that can positively alter related chemical imbalances.

Administration: Take 1 capsule upon arising from sleep. Then 1 capsule again 30 – 60 minutes after lunch. Optionally take and 1 capsule again 30 – 60 minutes after dinner in more severe cases. Take no more than 3 capsules per day. Reduce dosage or stop after a day or two when results are obtained.

Consider combining with Compound ANX, in equal dosage. Can also be taken with, or instead of, Compound DPN-B in more severe cases.

For those in higher weight brackets, take 2 capsules each time. Consider taking with Compound ANX in equal dosage. Reduce dosage or stop after a day or two or when results are obtained.

Alternatively, take 1 or 2 capsules each time the onset of depression is observed. Take one capsule each 4 hours. Maximum 6 capsules per day. Reduce dosage as results are obtained. Stop when no longer needed.

For long term use, take for 3 weeks on, then off for 1 week. Or by Practitioner prescription, which may vary from these instructions.

Affects are not always instantaneous, but tend to take effect gradually over 4 – 36 hours days. Many patients find they no longer need this medicine after a short time. Stop when no longer needed. Do not take more than prescribed.

Reactions: Mental alertness generally remains positive. Slight drowsiness may be induced if too much is taken. Non-addictive, no hangovers or lethargy with proper use.

Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.

Cautions: Compound DPN-A should NOT be taken concurrently with a variety of prescription medications, including most all antidepressants, antihistamines, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, narcotics, or prescription sleeping medicines. Caution is to be exercised if taking blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications. Compound ENG, alcohol, caffeine, and aspirin should also be avoided.

Caution with breast-feeding or pregnant mothers – by prescription only. Look for causes first. This medication should not be used long term, stop when no longer needed.

Simple Prescription

  • Non-member infusions as prescribed
  • Compound DPN Depression Lifter
  • Compound ANX Anxiety Moderator
  • Compound NP Feel Good
  • Vita Skin Lotion and Vita Scrub
  • Compound V and SO

Common recommendations

Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type

  • No caffeine
  • No sugar
  • No seed oils
  • No white foods, etc.
  • No alcohol

Other Medicines

  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO


  • Compound DPN-A should NOT be taken concurrently with a variety of prescription medications, including most all antidepressants, antihistamines, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, narcotics, or prescription sleeping medicines. Caution is to be exercised if taking blood thinners or anti-inflammatory medications. Compound ENG, alcohol, caffeine, and aspirin should also be avoided.
  • Caution with breast-feeding or pregnant mothers – by prescription only. Look for causes first. This medication should not be used long term, stop when no longer needed.

Full Prescription Guide

(Case dependant – not all are normally assigned)

Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse, plus Compounds, as needed.

  • Compound DPN-A Depression Lifter, Mild Asian Formula
  • Compound DPN-B Depression Lifter, Stronger Western Formula
  • Compound ANX Anxiety Moderator
  • Compound NRV Nerve Relaxer
  • Compound ADP-A or ADP-B Stress and Endurance Adaptogens
  • Compound IMN-F and / or IMN-H Immune Booster and Antioxidant
  • Compound SPD or SPQ Sleep Aid
  • Compound M2 Full spectrum minerals
  • Compound NP Feel Good and Hormone Balance

Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)

  • Jamu Jo 3 Curcumin root
  • Jamu Jo 4 Temu Putih
  • Jamu Jo 6 Kenikir Leaf
  • Jamu Jo 7 Moringa Leaf
  • Jamu Jo 11 Kulit Manggis
  • Jamu Jo 12 Mengkudu
  • Jamu Jo 13 Belalai Gajah
  • Jamu Jo 14 Star Anise

Vitamin C IV infusions, Once per week for the first month, then twice per month or as requested.

  • B complexes
  • Magnesium
  • DMSO
  • EDTA
  • Glutathione
  • Collagen
  • Chondroitin
  • Compound IP Soursop
  • Compound IZ Zingerberaceae
  • NAD (as a singular therapy – per BSI Program) 

About the Ingredients in Compound DPN-A

Skullcap (Scutellaria laterifolia). Skullcap reduces inflammation, soothes the stomach, and stimulates cognition in a positive way, which can help vbwith depression.

Hawthorne (Craetagus spp.). Calms deep-seated fear, anger, sadness, or uselessness. This powerful herbal remedy for depression is packed with saponins, catechins, and anthocyanins that can positively alter the chemical balance of the body.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis). Uplifts mood, while still allowing enough peace and relaxation to induce healthy sleep. Lemon balm improves appetite, aids in healthy sleep, and can cure the inflammation or discomfort that often accompanies depression.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea). Exerts antidepressant effects via nerve cell communication that reduces over-activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. The HPA axis is associated with major depression., it caused much fewer side effects.

Gingko Biloba (Gingko Biloba). Counters hormones that cause feelings of anger, sadness, anxiety, and loneliness that often accompany anxiety. As a mood booster, it provides energy and aids in overcoming negative thoughts, anxiety, dizziness, tinnitus, and memory loss (among other issues).