Mild Respiratory Expectorant, Night Formula (Cool)

Contents: Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Comfrey (Symphytum officinale).

Indications: For cases of acute and chronic lung conditions, coughs, colds, wheeziness, effects from air pollution, etc. For morning and midday consumption. Helps heal long-term lung congestion and minor lung damages. Take concurrently with Compound EXR-DAY.

Actions: Helps to gently expel long-term mucous and hardened plaque from the lungs and airways. Anti-inflammatory, astringent, demulcent, expectorant, mucilaginous, nutritive, styptic, vulnerary.

Administration: Take 1 capsule, each 60 minutes, between meals, until results are obtained, maximum total 4 capsules each late afternoon and evening.

For more pronounced cases, and also for those in higher weight brackets, prescribe 2 capsules each 60 minutes until results are obtained. Maximum 8 capsules total each late afternoon and evening.

Take until results are accomplished. Maximum 5 days on, 2 days off. If results are not beginning to manifest within 2 – 4 hours, seek help from the BSI Practitioner. Gradually reduce dose until no longer needed. Stop taking when no longer needed.

Sleep time / evening / night use only. Take Compound EXR-NITE during the late afternoon and evening. Do not take more than prescribed, unless otherwise advised by the Practitioner.

Reactions: May cause mucous to come up from the lungs, be sure to spit it out, do not swallow.

Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.

Cautions: Do not take more than prescribed. Okay to consume with all BSI Medications and therapies. Avoid dairy products and mucous-producing foods.

Simple Prescription

  • Vita Flu / Vita Silver Infusions
  • Compound EXR-NITE Relaxing, expectorant, nighttime formula
  • Compound EXR-DAY Stimulating expectorant, daytime formula
  • Compound ABO Antibiotic / Anti-pathogen
  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath Kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO

Common recommendations

Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type

  • No caffeine
  • No sugar
  • No white foods
  • No smoking / Vaping
  • Avoid seed oils
  • Avoid dairy products
  • Avoid sugary foods and drinks

Other Medicines

  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath Kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO
  • Steamer Therapy with CP R or B tincture


  • Do not take more than prescribed. Okay to consume with all BSI Medications and therapies. Avoid dairy products and mucous-producing foods.

Full Prescription Guide

(Case dependant – not all are normally assigned)

Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse, plus Compounds, as needed.

  • Compound EXR-DAY Stimulating expectorant, daytime formula
  • Compound EXR-NITE Relaxing, expectorant, nighttime formula
  • Compound LNG-AM Lungs decongestant and Healing AM Formula
  • Compound LNG-PM Lungs decongestant and Healing PM Formula
  • Compound ABO Herbal Antibiotic / Anti-pathogen
  • Compound ANT Antihistamine
  • Compound FVR Fever Reducer
  • Compound FNG Fungus Killer (take with ABO)
  • Compound IMN Immune Booster
  • Compound IFP Anti-inflammatory
  • Compound K Antioxidants
  • Compound M2 Full spectrum minerals
  • Compound TR Cough Suppressor and Expectorant

Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)

  • Jamu Jo 2 Bajakah Root
  • Jamu Jo 7 Moringa Leaf
  • Jamu Jo 11 Kulit Manggis
  • Jamu Jo 13 Belalai Gajah
  • Jamu Jo 14 Star Anise
  • Jamu Jo 15 Sambiloto

Vitamin C IV infusions, Once per each 2 days as needed.

  • Silver
  • B complexes
  • Glutathione
  • Collagen
  • Magnesium
  • NAC
  • Homeopathic IP Soursop
  • Homeopathic IZ Zingerberaceae

About the Ingredients in Compound EXR-NITE

Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis). The leaves and roots, contains polysaccharides that have antitussive, mucilaginous, and antibacterial properties. Because of this, marshmallow has a soothing effect on inflamed membranes in the mouth and throat.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Alkloids in licorice reduce inflammation, thin mucus secretions, decrease cough, and increase the body’s ability to heal ulcers. Caution if there is high blood pressure.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale). Anti-inflammatory, astringent, demulcent, expectorant, mucilagenous, nutritive, styptic, vulnerary.