Microbe Parasites in Digestion or Blood

Contents: Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua), Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris), Neem (Azadirachta indica).

Indications: Microbial parasite with non-beneficial bacteria and yeast infections of the digestive tract and blood.

Actions: Deep microbial parasites remediation as well as bacterial and yeast overgrowth. Strong anti-microbial effects against 11 pathogenic microbes including Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans.

Administration: Take 1 capsule, 15 – 30 minutes before each meal. Maximum 4 each day.

For more pronounced cases, and also for those in higher weight brackets, prescribe 2 capsules before each meal. Maximum 8 capsules per day.

Take until results are accomplished. Maximum for 3 weeks, then 1 week off. Do not take more than prescribed.

Alternatively, take 1 capsule, between meals, 3 times per day until results are achieved. Take for 3 weeks on, then 1 week off. Take with other associated medicines listed below. Stop when results are achieved.

Reactions: Possible sudden and large or more liquid bowel movements. Skin eruptions as pathogens emerge. Occasionally fever or sleepiness. Herxheimer detox reactions.

Storage: Must be kept sealed in cool dry place, normal refrigeration is required.

Cautions: Pregnant and nursing women take by doctor prescription / observation. May produce loose stools with visible or microscopic parasites.

Simple Prescription

  • Compound PAR-M
  • Compound PAR-D
  • Compound W
  • Compound G
  • Neem Soap and Vita Scrub
  • Vita Heavy Metal EDTA Infusions
  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO

Common recommendations

Dietary considerations related to disease and blood type

  • No caffeine
  • No sugar
  • No white foods, etc.
  • No seed oils.

Other Medicines

  • Vita Skin Care Lotion
  • Vita Scrub with brush
  • Bath kit with Vita Bath and Compound SO


  • Pregnant and nursing women take by doctor prescription / observation. May produce loose stools with visible or microscopic parasites.

Full Prescription Guide

(Case dependant – not all are normally assigned)

Level 2 Diagnosis and Cleanse, plus Compounds, as needed.

  • Compound PAR-M Microbe Parasites in Digestion or Blood
  • Compound PAR-D Multi-Cellular Digestive and Blood Parasites
  • Compound W Parasite Medicine
  • Compound MAL Malaria Medicine
  • Compound DNG Dengue Medicine
  • Compound ABO Mild Antibiotic
  • Compound FNG Anti-Fungal
  • Compound VIR Virus Moderator
  • Compound G Digestive Enzymes
  • Compound K Anti-oxidents
  • Compound M2 Full spectrum minerals
  • Compound NP Feel Good and Hormone Balance, vermifuge 
  • Compound W Parasite Medicine
  • Probiotics

Jamu Jo Tonics, (Be sure these are also compatible with other diagnosis)

  • Jamu Jo 1 Sabrang
  • Jamu Jo 3 Turmeric
  • Jamu Jo 4 Zedoary
  • Jamu Jo 6 Kenikir
  • Jamu Jo 8 Soursop
  • Jamu Jo 11 Kulit Manggis
  • Jamu Jo 12 Mengkudu
  • Jamu Jo 13 Belalai Gajah
  • Jamu Jo 15 Sambiloto

Vitamin C IV infusions, Once per week for the first month, then twice per month or as requested.

  • EDTA
  • B complexes
  • Glutathione
  • Collagen
  • Chondroitin
  • Magnesium
  • NAC
  • Homeopathic IL Kulit Manggis
  • Homeopathic IP Soursop

About the Ingredients in Compound PAR-M

Sweet Wormwood (Artemisia annua). Super-herb Artemisinin kills cancer cells, yeasts, parasites, pathogens like E coli, and viruses, anti-malarial, strongly anti-microbial, anti-yeast, and anti-candida. Traditionally used as a digestive tonic and vermicide. It benefits the appetite and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Puncture Vine (Tribulus terrestris). Strong anti-microbial effects against 11 pathogenic microbes including Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Serratia marcescens, Salmonella typhimurium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans. Deep parasites remediation as well as bacterial and yeast overgrowth.

Neem (Azadirachta indica). Kills non-beneficial bacteria and digestive / blood parasites. Anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-malarial, and repel insects and nematodes. Contains the polyphenolic anti-oxidant compounds quercetin and B-sitosterol.