Body & Bath Healing Oil

Contents: Extra-Virgin coconut oil, Almond oil, Lemon extract, Aloe vera extract.

Indications: In treatment of dry or damaged skin, irritated skin from insect bites, scarring, and for local aches and pains.

Actions: Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Helps to quickly heal burns, wounds, new scars, and reduces irritation, pain. A large spectrum of biological activity including antibacterial, antifungal, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and antiviral activities. Plays a defensive role against invading pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Healing for skin and beneficial for detoxification. Lemon Body and Bath Healing Oil can either be applied directly to clean skin to impart a luxurious shine and feel, or added to bath water along with Compound VL Bath salts to speed detoxification and help to lessen pain and remove skin ailments.

All of the ingredients in Body Pure – Lemon Body and Bath Healing Oil / Compound SO are designed to nourish the skin and body, and to increase immunities so that skin can eliminate virus, bacteria, fungus, and parasites from the surface and just below the skin. All of the ingredients are directly absorbed through the skin and into the body, thereby making Compound SO an excellent delivery vehicle for much needed immediate nutrition and beneficial anti-aging factors inherent in the essential oils from which it is crafted.

With proper application, dead layers and scar tissues are eventually sloughed and new skin appears more flexible and tight: Healthy.

‘The biggest organ in your body is your skin, and it’s a permeable membrane. Anything you put on it goes into you. If you can’t pronounce most of the words on the back of the bottle, it’s probably not good for you.’

~ Philippe Cousteau, Jr.

Important & Beneficial Nutrients

A-Pinene (Lemon), Camphene (Lemon), B-Pinene (Lemon), Sabinene (Lemon), Myrcene (Lemon), A-Terpinene (Lemon), Linalool (Lemon), B-Bisabolene (Lemon), Limonene (Lemon), Trans-A-Bergamotene (Lemon), Nerol (Lemon), Neral (Lemon), Lauric Acid (Vco), Myristic Acid (Vco), Caprylic Acid (Vco), Capric Acid (Vco), Caproic Acid (Vco), Palmitic Acid (Vco + Almond), Oleic Acid (Vco + Almond), Palmitoleic Acid (Vco + Almond), Linoleic Acid (Vco + Almond), Linolenic Acid (Vco + Almond), Stearic Acid (Vco + Almond), Squalane (Almond), Sitosterol (Almond), Campesterol (Almond), Stigmasterol (Almond), Glucomannan (Aloe Vera), Aloin (Aloe Vera), Mucopolysaccharides (Aloe Vera), Lupeol (Aloe Vera), Salicylic Acid (Aloe Vera), Urea Nitrogen (Aloe Vera), Cinnamonic Acid (Aloe Vera), Phenols (Aloe Vera), Sulfur (Aloe Vera)… and much more.

Lemon flavonoids have a large spectrum of biological activity including antibacterial, antifungal, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and antiviral activities. Flavonoids can function as direct antioxidants and free radical scavengers, and can lessen enzymatic activities and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. In plants (and on human skin), they play a defensive role against invading pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The fresh scent of lemon oil soothea and relievea headaches and migraines through aroma therapy. Direct skin application of Compound SO is also useful for clearing acne, easing painful cold sores, herpes, insect bites, and of course dry or damaged skin.

Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO): Contains the same fatty acids that are found in mothers milk. Reduces Inflammation and Arthritis. Cancer prevention and treatment. Immune system booster (antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral). Improves memory and brain function. Improves energy and endurance. Improves skin issues (burns, eczema, dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis). Prevents or slows osteoporosis. Helps build muscle and lessen body fat. Controls dandruff or dry hair due to beneficial fatty acids. Effective natural treatment for candida albicans and yeast infections. By improving antioxidant levels aging slows. Extra-Virgin coconut oil helps to naturally balance hormones because its a great source of saturated fat including lauric acid. The benefits of VCO are immense, books have been written on the subject.

Sweet Almond Oil: Sweet almond oil is a fragrant skin emollient and repairing agent. With a high fatty acids content it works to restore skin lipid balance. It increases essential fatty acids in the skin, reducing inflammation and proliferative problems, improves skin tonicity and flexibility.

Aloe Vera contains 75 active constituents: vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids. Aloe is anti-inflammatory, immunomodulator, Antiviral and anti-tumor, moisturizing and anti-aging, antiseptic, and protective against radiation damage. The name Aloe Vera derives from the Arabic word Alloeh meaning shining bitter substance, while vera in Latin means true. 2000 years ago, the Greek scientists regarded Aloe vera as the universal panacea. The Egyptians called Aloe the plant of immortality. Today, the Aloe vera plant has been used for various purposes in dermatology. Aloe gel increases collagen content in the skin and in wounds.

Used In Treatment of

In treatment of dry or damaged skin, irritated skin from insect bites, scarring, and for local aches and pains.  Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral. Helps to quickly heal burns, wounds, new scars, and reduces irritation, pain. A large spectrum of biological activity including antibacterial, antifungal, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer and antiviral activities. Plays a defensive role against invading pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

How to Use Compound SO

Generally speaking, we use Body Pure throughout most therapies. This serves to greatly activate the immune system, and to flush toxins from the body, to kill pathogens, heal and stimulate the lymphatic system (the sewer system of the skin and body) and to directly apply trace elements and subtle nutrients directly into the body.

The skin is the largest and most complex organ of the body, and in responsible for absorbing up to 50% of the oxygen the body needs. Skin is highly permeable and can directly convey deeply into the body most anything placed on its surface – also, unfortunately, including poisons, pollution, bad cosmetics and soaps, etc. 90% of breast cancer patients use aluminum-based deoderants.

Externally: Once or twice per week. First wash well with either Lemon Orange Treat Soap or Neem Treatment Soap, on both skin and scalp (over the entire body). Then lightly rub Body Pure Trace Elements Body Detox and Skin Purifier over the entire body, including scalp. Leave on for no more than 10 minutes. Rinse well with warm water.

Orally: Gently swished after brushing teeth for at least 10 minutes, until it becomes digested/thin by action of the saliva. The use of Compound SO is an improved methode of oil-pulling, that helps to heal the gums and tissues of the mouth and the tongue.

Consider purchasing Body Detox Kit, which contains the soaps mentioned above, along with Body Pure Trace Elements Body Detox and Skin Purifier, Lemon Orange Treat Soap and Shampoo, Neem Treatment Shampoo and Soap, and a nylon scrub glove.

You may also want to consider purchasing Oral Kit.