Cough Suppressant & Expectorant

Contents: Solar distilled H20, ethyl alcohol, ginger root (zingiber officinale), vitamin C (ascorbic acid), green lemon whole fruit (citrus hystrix), temu lawak (curcuma rhizoma zingiberaceae), white onion (allium cepa L.), kunyit (kaempferiae rotundae rhizoma zingiberaceae), comfrey leaves and root (symphytum officinale L.), mint leaf (mentha cordifolia), sea weed (eucheuma cottonii), sea salt, Bali small pepper (capsicum annuum), stevia leaf (stevia rebaudiana).

Indications: In treatment of cough, colds, flu, lung diseases, sinus and respiratory diseases, general inflamation, malaise, low appetite.

Actions: Expectorant, cough suppressant, antioxidant, antifungal, antiviral, antimicrobial agents and anti-parasitic activities, anti-hyperlipaemic, anti-lipid peroxidative, anti-tumor, anticoagulant, immuno-modulation functions, nutritive, cytotoxic, appetite stimulant. Source of trace minerals.

Administration: Use as needed. Shake the bottle, hold once cap full in your mouth for a while, then swallow. No water for a short while so that it remains in the throat. Can repeat each 15 minutes until not needed. Quiets cough, brings up phlegm.All can use.