Indications: Recommended for adult patients for the treatment of mild hangover symptoms, associated with dehydration and / or minor headache, due to excess alcohol consumption. Also beneficial in cases of severe dehydration due to surfing and other athletic events that have caused severe dehydration.

Symptoms: Minor tiredness, dehydration, hot urine, dark urine, headache, disorientation.

Prescription: Administered via IV Infusion, only after the Doctors or Nurse Practitioners have examined the patient and have determined effectiveness and dose.

Rp. 545.000


  • Ringer’s Lactate infusion medium, two bottles given in rapid succession, for a total of one liter.


  • Jamu Jo No. 16 Mint Magic 250 ml, to sip during the infusion, to settle stomach, and freshen breath and mood.

Actions: Faster acting when given by IV, thus allowing rapid replenishment of salt and fluids in prevention of alcohol toxicity due to the effects of dehydration and excess alcohol poisoning.

Cautions: In the event of more severe symptoms, such as vomiting, disorientation, alcohol poisoning, consider the Medi Hangover Severe Symptoms Infusion set. Do not take with Vitamin C, other vitamins, or Vita-IV infusions during the IV session.