Neem Soap & Shampoo

Contents: Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil, Olive, and Neem oils, Aromatic Essential Oils, and Borax

Indications: For deep cleaning and trace nutrient administration for damaged or diseased skin, difficult parasites, and those who are healing from all forms of disease, cancer, virus, fungus, and bacteria therapy.

Actions: The sweet and refreshing smell of Neem and Rosemary Parasite Treatment Soap and Shampoo deep cleans pores and provides essential nutrients to skin and scalp – an essential part of any healing regime. When skin is fully clean, then it can fully breath – 50% of all oxygen is absorbed through the skin, as are many trace minerals and vital nutrients. Neem Rosemary Soap in so many ways helps keep skin youthful and disease and odor free – and most importantly not only removes and kills parasites, but deflects them away from the skin for an hour or two after bathing.

The sweet and refreshing smell of Neem and Rosemary Parasite Treatment Soap and Shampoo deep cleans pores and provides essential nutrients to skin and scalp – an essential part of any healing regime. When skin is fully clean, then it can fully breath – 50% of all oxygen is absorbed through the skin, as are many trace minerals and vital nutrients. Neem Rosemary Soap in so many ways helps keep skin youthful and disease and odor free – and most importantly not only removes and kills parasites, but deflects them away from the skin for an hour or two after bathing. Most hardened bar soaps in the tropics are made with a large portion of candle wax, which helps it keep its form, not melt, in hot tropical weather. But this same wax also clogs pores, causing rapid build-up of odor-causing bacteria, and disease-causing fungus and virus. Neem and Rosemary Parasite Treatment Soap and Shampoo , when also used with a skin brush and glove, opens pores, pulls toxins from the skin, and promotes healthy skin and body.

Neem Soap is just as much a valuable medicine as it is a highest-quality cleanser. All of the ingredients combined are know to be….

  • Larvicidal
  • Insecticidal
  • Anticarcinogenic
  • Relaxant
  • Anxiolytic
  • Pain relief
  • Anti-tumor
  • Antioxidant
  • Acne treatment
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-aflatoxigenic
  • Anthelmintic
  • Deep cleanser

Important & Beneficial Nutrients

Neem Essential Oil is a completely natural ingredient that also serves as a home health remedy. Great for dry skin. Because neem oil contains vitamin E and is also rich in healthy fatty acids, it’s great for healing cracked dry skin by penetrating into the skin. Clears acne, combats wrinkles, reduces eczema and inflamation, nature’s insecticide.

Rosemary Essential Oil hydrates the skin, which helps to control oil production. It also provides an antibacterial surface for the skin, keeping acne at bay. Rosemary Oil’s antiseptic properties are beneficial to skin conditions such as eczema. Repels insects and helps eliminate skin surface parasites.

Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) is essential for reducing inflammation, moisturizing skin, and heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat and protect the skin from parasites, virus, fungus, harmful bacteria.

Olive Oil moisturizes skin without clogging pores, protects and balances skin and moisture levels, contains vitamin K and squalene. Olive oil is naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial and loaded with essential nutrients.

Borax (Sodium borate) Borax has similar properties to baking soda, but a higher pH – which means it’s slightly alkaline. Alkalinity is one of the core basis of any health prevention and healing program.

Borax, when mixed with the essential oils contained in the soap, and water while bathing, causes very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water) to release, which makes Neem Rosemary Soap a mild antiseptic, helping to inhibit microbial growth. Borax instantly disinfects bad bacteria and kills unwanted skin pests.

Borax is one of the best organic deep cleaning agents, its effects multiplied when combined with essential oils. Neem Rosemary Soap is also a natural laundry booster, multipurpose cleaner, fungicide, preservative, insecticide, herbicide, disinfectant, and desiccant. Borax crystals are odorless, whitish, and alkaline, which naturally makes it highly anti-cancer / virus. It can be mixed with most other cleaning agents, including chlorine bleach, conditioners, etc.

Our use of borax in soaps represents 0.00297% of the formula. Borax is an essential trace mineral lacking in most modern foods due to soil depletion. The soap may be drying to the skin, due to deep cleaning. We suggest occasional application of Skin Healing Lotion / Compound SL, which becomes more effective when applied to deeply-clean dry skin. Together Neem Rosemary Soap and Skin Healing Lotion / Compound SL can help and regain youthful appearance in skin and scalp.