Sodium Bicarbonate, Compound SOS, H202

Contents: Non-Bacteria Toothbrush, Toothbrush Bottle, Sodium Bicarbonate, Compound SOS 100ml, Hydrogen Peroxide 3%.

Indications: In treatment of diseased teeth, tongue, oral and sinus cavity or digestive system, chronic sinus and respiratory problems, chronic halitosis, related cancers and diseases. Preventative maintenance of teeth, in prevention of cavities and assuch in prevention of many systemic diseases.

Actions: Anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-cancer. Helps to quickly heal exposed nerves and peridontal diseases. Has been demosntrated to heal receding gums, and to stop its progression. Reduces and cures irritation and pain. Plays a defensive role against invading pathogens, prevents tooth decay. Helps to heal oral and nasal virus and other diseases.

In ancient times, people often cleaned their teeth with salt and a small stick. That salt was most likely sun-dried sea salt or sodium bicarbonate made from wood ash.

We recommend this package to nearly all our patients. Clears micro-organizms and cleans very well the mouth and teeth. Positive effects on sinus and digestion. Leaves the breath fresh and the surfaces of the teeth and mouth smooth and clean. Alkalinaztion from the sodium bicabonate is exceptionally beneficial in healing and preventing disease. SOS Healing Oils heals the gums and stimulates teeth to produce enamel, and helps to reduce tinitus. Receding gums are often healed, prevented from further destruction.

What’s contained in the Oral Health Kit;

H2O2 / Hydrogen Peroxide 3% Solution. This is essentially pure water with added oxygen. Hydrogen Peroxide kills bacteria/virus/fungus and oxygentates the mouth and surrounding tissues. H2O2 is also kept in the brush bottle to keep the toothbrush pothogen-free between uses.

Non-Mold Toothbrush (manufactured without grooves, lines, or padding that can host germs and molds, virus, etc.) Designed to fall-apart within three months to encourage the frequent changing with a new brush that has strong bristles and does not promote disease. More disease and parasites are commuted to the human host via filthy toothbrushes than most other avenues. First step in healing is prevention.

Toothbrush Bottle. This gets filled with H2O2 once per week, the toothbrush is kept here to prevent disease and the spreading of disease between uses.

Sodium Bicarbonate. Baking soda / sodium bicarbonate, increases the pH, or alkalinity, of the mouth and digestive system, thereby decreasing incidence of pathogens and cancers. It works very well to clean teeth and remove plaque. Used since ancient times for effective oral maintenance.

Compound SOS. Healing for gums, teeth, skin, and greatly detoxes. Our Ancient Oil Pulling-Oral Healing Oils / Compound SOS can be lightly swished in the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes, until the action of the saliva changes the consistency of Compound SOS to the consistency of water. Speeds detoxification and helps to lessen pain and remove oral ailments.

Used In Treatment of

Clears micro-organisms and cleans very well the mouth and teeth. Positive effects on sinus and digestion. Leaves the breath fresh and the surfaces of the teeth and mouth smooth and clean. Alkalinization from the sodium bicarbonate is exceptionally beneficial in healing and preventing disease. SOS Healing Oils heals the gums and stimulates teeth to produce enamel, and helps to reduce tinitus. Receding gums are often healed, prevented from further destruction.

How to Use Oral Health Kit

These instructions are printed on the package.

  1. Rinse mouth with water.
  2. Brush with Sodium, taking care not to damage gums.
  3. Rinse with water. Also rinse-well the toothbrush.
  4. Rinse well with H2O2 (Ok to dilute with water if H2O2 is too strong).
  5. Rinse again with water.
  6. Place toothbrush in bottle with H2O2 (Change H2O2 once per week or more often).
  7. Gently swish 1 or 2 capfuls of Compound SO for at least 10 minutes.
  8. Rinse with warm water.

Health Tip. Especially when traveling, never touch fingers to the mouth, lips, or face. Use instead the wrist or forearm.